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Shipping a container on a hot shot trailer

How Much Weight Can a Heavy Haul Truck Carry?

In the transportation sector, truck weight is closely regulated. The weight of tractor trailers and other commercial motor vehicles is governed by both federal and state rules (CMVs). All vehicles must comply with federal truck weight limits. After these fundamental requirements are completed, trucks must adhere to the weight regulations of each state through which they pass. State weigh stations exist to control the weight of trucks when transporting heavy equipment.

Transporting heavy equipment.
Transport Agent: Stephen L.

Truck Weight Limits

Truck manufacturers make their vehicles to accommodate particular loads. Usually , the structural integrity of the truck is built to handle at least the biggest load permitted by the maximum loaded axle weights for the roads that will be traveled on. Semi trucks and trailers are capable of transporting oversize loads outside of the legal weight limits. Consequently, manufacturers construct certain vehicles to carry the highest allowed weights under any conditions, i.e., a truck may be rated for a maximum gross vehicle weight considerably in excess of 80,000 pounds. In such a circumstance, it is the operator’s obligation to be informed of the highway and non-highway restrictions for the route of travel and to not exceed the legal or maximum authorized gross vehicle or axle group weights for the routes on which the vehicle will be driven.

Note: Even though the maximum permitted truck weight for any Federal Highway is 80,000 pounds, state-by-state maximum axle weights for single, tandem, and other axle configurations can vary greatly.

Heavy Haul Regulations

Each state has its own heavy haul trucking restrictions. The federal government does not issue licenses or control overweight or large load cargo. Each state is responsible for maintaining its own set of state regulations.

States are responsible for providing licenses for overloaded loads. In order to guarantee that bridges are suitably rated for overweight loads, bridge inspections may be needed as a condition of these permits.

Shipping a Boom lift.
Transport Agent: Nick H.

Why Do Weight Limits Exist?

There are several reasons why trucks must be accurately weighed and adhere to weight restrictions on roadways. The basic reason is that the damage of the road surface is not proportional to the weight of the vehicle.

It might be argued that heavier trucks represent greater safety dangers on public roads. Weight influences the truck’s ability to maneuver at highway speeds and to stop. The government spends tens of billions of dollars annually maintaining and expanding roads, and weight restrictions are imposed largely to prevent over-weight cars from causing damage to the national highway system.

There are weight restrictions, however they are not standard across the United States. All states must let trucks weighing up to 80,000 pounds on federally designated roads if they pass the Federal Bridge Formula test. Numerous states permit higher weights without specific permits.

Overweight Permits

States issue excessive weight permits. State-specific and actual excess weight-specific rates differ. In Tennessee, for instance, a permit for excess weight costs $20 and 6 cents every ton-mile. Each state has its own set of weight restrictions and tax structures for heavy vehicles.

Depending on the actual weight of cargoes, travel may be restricted to certain days of the week and/or hours of the day in order to avoid usual periods of severe traffic. In general, travel periods for overweight trucks are less constrained; nonetheless, it is essential to examine state and local regulations regarding the transfer of overweight freight.

Shipping a container on a hot shot trailer.
Transport Agent: Janelle F.

Permits for Overweight Loads

In all 50 states, a permit is necessary to operate a motor vehicle, regardless of state-specific variances in weight limitations for various types of cargo. Even if your vehicle satisfies all legal standards, you must seek a permit if the load is too large. In addition, you may be required to get permits for each state through which your freight will pass.

Overweight Fines

There is no standard amount or structure for overweight fines. Many states impose fines on a sliding scale. Fines for less severe cases of overweight, such as 1,000, 2,000, etc., increase steadily with each increase of 1,000 pounds. As the extra weight grows, so does the proportionate amount of the fee. Once it is discovered that a cargo exceeds the authorized gross weight by 10,000 pounds or more, the fines climb rapidly, frequently reaching several thousand dollars.

Importance of Weight Limits in Transport

Because the government spends so much money on creating and maintaining highways, it has imposed severe overweight fines and penalties for anyone who breaches the laws, whether deliberately or unwillingly. This might result in fines of up to tens of thousands of dollars, loss of points on your driving record, the loss of your commercial driver’s license, or even prison time. Each municipality has its own set of rules that you must follow. That includes federal, state, and even local laws.

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